Een Abrikozenbiertje in de lentezon
Ongeveer een jaar geleden speelde ik al met het idee om een podcast te starten. En zoals ook de wereld er heel anders uitzag een jaar geleden, zijn ook de ideeën over hoe mijn podcast gaat moeten zijn veranderd.
Want een jaar geleden was ik nog van plan om de podcast in het Engels te doen. Mede omdat mijn andere website, mijn blog Tales of Pastry ook helemaal in het Engels is. En daar schrijf ik recepten en schrijf ik over hotspots. Alleen uhm, ja ik denk dat ik me anders kan uiten in het Nederlands. Ik denk dat ik me beter kan uiten in het Nederlands.
Maar toch! Het allereerste verhaal dat ik ooit heb geschreven voor de podcast is een Engelse short story. En die wilde ik jullie niet onthouden! Dus bij deze: Er was eens… Een Abrikozenbiertje in de Lentezon
[Special thanks to Cambridge Wine Merchants, for letting me use their foto of Samual Smith Organic Apricot beer, featured in this short story.]
Episode Transcript:
Sound effect of pouring a beer
It is a sunny day in April. The snowy days are hopefully behind us, and the tulips are blooming in our garden. The blossom of our apple and peach trees are slowly swaying in the wind. (Omgevingsgeluiden en fluitende vogeltjes) While the sound of buzzing bumble bees, the song of birds and now and then a gust of wind through the leaves of the tree accompany me. In the distance I can hear somebody hammering and the muffled sounds of passing cars and scooters. The sun reflects a golden glow on my skin. And straight through the just as golden colored beer in my glass, it leaves a shadow on the table. Little bubbles are rising up in my apricot beer. I discovered this beer through a friend of mine, Carol. We bought it at a specialty beer shop. The walls were stacked with extraordinary cans and bottles, carefully selected by the shop owner. I pour the last bit of beer in my glass to empty the bottle. The foam slowly collapses. Although it is a fruit beer, it does not taste overly sweet. If I had blindly taste tested it, I might not have guessed this beer to be brewed with apricot. I consider this a good thing. I swirl the beer in my glass and inhale the aromas. I like to smell everything before I taste it. To my regret with some matured cheeses… I have the bad habit to let my tea cool down and let my beers warm up. As fast as I eat, as slow as I drink. I can not even chug water. My apologies for getting distracted. That’s one of my notorious habits too… It smells hoppy, slightly sweet and like an empty tin of peaches. The slightly woozy smell of fruit sugars and iron combined. ‘Organic handcrafted apricot fruit beer. Brewed at Melbourn Bros ancient brewberg in Stamford Lincolnshire. And blended and bottled at the old brewery Tadcaster North Yorkshire.’ That was what drew my attention first to this beer. The Gregorian typography almost brings you back to an old pub with a crowded beer garden. I wonder if that used to be a thing in 1758 Yorkshire. And if the early spring sun used to be as hot as it is today. I drink the last bit of apricot beer, warmed up by the sun. It’s time to seek the shade as my right arm turned red from the sun. Thank you Carol, for introducing me to this beer. It was delightful.
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Meet your hosts:
Jamie Penders
Host - Once Upon A Taste de Podcast